right-wing rag. The editors are perfectly willing to print op-ed contributions in which the
authors are permitted to make definitive statements and recommendations.. Next to the
piece below was inserted a photo of apparent rubble from: "An American school adjacent
to the U.S.Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia, on Sept. 15. Protesters burned the school the day before."
The article is itself entitled, "A New Course for the Middle East." The (presumed) author
devoted 14 column inches to trashing the policies of the present administration. Fair
enough; that's a good lead-in. Then in 3 column inches the new course is delineated:
"In this period of uncertainty, we need to apply a coherent strategy of supporting our partners
in the Middle East—that is, both governments and individuals who share our values.
This means restoring our credibility with Iran. When we say an Iranian nuclear-weapons capability
—and the regional instability that comes with it—is unacceptable, the ayatollahs must be made
to believe us.
It means placing no daylight between the United States and Israel. And it means using the full
spectrum of our soft power to encourage liberty and opportunity for those who have for too long
known only corruption and oppression. The dignity of work and the ability to steer the course of
their lives are the best alternatives to extremism."
There you have it. We are saved! It seems to me, though, that previous presidents might have
been more explicit, e.g., Jackson, Lincoln, TR, FDR, Reagan, both Bushes, and even Bill Clinton
in approving the bombing of Serbia. There was only one Republican candidate willing to run who was
certainly more definitive, and he got carpet-bombed out of the race.
http://online.wsj.com/article/ SB1000087239639044471290457802 4293333633994.html?mod=WSJ_ Opinion_LEADTop

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