"I've got mine!" say the old folks:
My social security, my medicare.
I paid for them for forty plus years;
They damn well owe it to me.
(They are the last generation
To receive unrestricted largesse
From the government, financed
By their children and grandchildren.)
"I've got mine!" say the unemployed.
It's not my fault I can't find a job.
The benefits are keeping me alive;
They damn well owe it to me.
"I've got mine!" say the disabled.
I worked hard all those years;
My bad back is their fault.
They damn well owe it to me.
"I've got mine!" say the single moms.
I can't work and tend my babies.
That bastard left me nothing.
They damn well owe it to me.
"I've got mine!" say the food stamp recipients.
It's not my fault that prices are sky high.
I have to feed my family somehow.
They damn well owe it to me.
And while we're at it,
What happened to "freedom from want?"
Why do we have to pay for medical care?
Why isn't college tuition free?
Don't tell us about the national debt.
Don't tell us about the budget deficit.
That's someone else's problem.
I'm only concerned about my finances.
So tax the rich, like the fellow said.
That's everybody who has more than me.
They should have to get along
With a whole lot less, like me.
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