Sunday, December 16, 2012
New Political Party
We need a new political party
At the national level;
The Grand Old Party
Can't cut it anymore.
They sent me invoices
Twice a week before the election
Demanding money, forthwith.
I sent nothing back, postpaid.
You can't be a Republican
In Massachusetts unless you
Spend more than the Democrats.
That's how we got RomneyCare.
The Tea Party might be a good base
Except the name sounds like
Alice in Wonderland, and the
Group is excoriated by the media.
Their mission is simply to
Balance the budget and reduce the debt.
But they are called racist, homophobic,
And every other nasty label.
Those governors and state legislators
Who call themselves Republican
Are also stuck with those labels
When they just try to do their job.
Maybe they should be called Federalists
For standing firm on the tenth amendment,
Or perhaps, the States Rights Party,
But that smacks too much of the Old South.
The name, Libertarian Party, sounds good.
It conjures up images of selfishness,
Free love, and anarchy, but
Don't we have that already?
Personally, I like Conservative Party
As a name, but I'm not really sure
What should be conserved
That the electorate would agree with.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
I've Got Mine
"I've got mine!" say the old folks:
My social security, my medicare.
I paid for them for forty plus years;
They damn well owe it to me.
(They are the last generation
To receive unrestricted largesse
From the government, financed
By their children and grandchildren.)
"I've got mine!" say the unemployed.
It's not my fault I can't find a job.
The benefits are keeping me alive;
They damn well owe it to me.
"I've got mine!" say the disabled.
I worked hard all those years;
My bad back is their fault.
They damn well owe it to me.
"I've got mine!" say the single moms.
I can't work and tend my babies.
That bastard left me nothing.
They damn well owe it to me.
"I've got mine!" say the food stamp recipients.
It's not my fault that prices are sky high.
I have to feed my family somehow.
They damn well owe it to me.
And while we're at it,
What happened to "freedom from want?"
Why do we have to pay for medical care?
Why isn't college tuition free?
Don't tell us about the national debt.
Don't tell us about the budget deficit.
That's someone else's problem.
I'm only concerned about my finances.
So tax the rich, like the fellow said.
That's everybody who has more than me.
They should have to get along
With a whole lot less, like me.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Hail to the Strongman!
Yesterday's dictator is today's "Strongman."
The Strongman no longer uses force;
Instead he manipulates his country's powers
To seize control of his people's lives.
He builds support among the dispossessed
By showering them with goodies from
The national treasury, financed by borrowing
And extracting from the evil plutocrats.
He courts acquiescence from the latter
By protecting their tacit monopolies,
While at the same time excoriating them
From the public pulpits of power.
The Strongman scolds the judiciary
When they try to overturn his orders,
Replacing unfriendly judges with those
Who know where power resides.
The country's legislature is stacked
With loyal supporters, inasmuch as
Opponents are either outlawed, or
Crushed in rigged elections.
Therefore, what passes for
Constitutional and traditional restraint, is
Routinely ignored with the issuance
Of decrees from the many bureaucracies.
The Strongman aims to rule forever
And die in bed, as he is well familiar
With Churchill's famous observation:
"The dictator rides a tiger and cannot dismount."
If he cannot obtain continuous rule, through
"One man, one vote, one time,"
He appoints surrogates to fill the gaps
And do his bidding until he can return.
The masses worship the Strongman,
He demands nothing but obedience.
While their country deterioriates,
He sets one class against another.
Sometime later, much later
The people realize they have been cheated,
That promises of continuing prosperity,
Cannot be kept, and then .....
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Letter to the Editor
Republic of New England
Separation is in the air! Scotland is on a peaceful path to independence.
The Parti Quebecois is ascendant again. Consider the number of new
nations created from the dissolution of the USSR and Yugoslavia. If the
U.S. government is unable or unwilling to obtain fiscal solvency, a breakup
may be necessary.
Various secession movements have already been put forth from crackpots
like me. My proposal outlines an independent Republic of New England,
composed of the six states and perhaps the maritime provinces of Canada,
which might be orphaned by a free Quebec. We will have a full-fledged
constitution, stating fiscal policy, defense, immigration, governance, foreign
relations, and education.
It will be a charming little country. Come visit!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Constitutional Convention of the Republic of New England
Constitutional Convention of the Republic of New England
A congress shall be convened in the city of Boston to draft a document
of secession from the United States of America., and a constitution for
the Republic of New England.
The seceding entities shall be the states of Massachusetts, Connecticut,
Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.
Said states shall send delegates to the congress in the same number as
the total of senators and representatives each has to the congress of the U.S.A.
Ratification of the constitution shall be by each state legislature in the
manner each chooses.
Ratification by all six entities shall be necessary for establishment of
the Republic of New England.
Some of the issues to be considered in the document of secession may be:
Repudiation of the national debt incurred by the U.S.A.
Takeover of former federal facilities of the U.S.A.
Replacement of the income tax system with a flat tax.
Discontinuation of all income transfer systems.
Establishment of a modest defense force.
Minimal government activity by the Republic.
Limited central powers of all branches of government.
Maintenance of good relations with neighboring countries.
Full citizenship for anyone after five years of residence.
Parliamentary style of election and governance.
Fiscal Policy -- The Republic of New England
The Republic of New England is a small country.
We cannot afford income transfer schemes.
No social security checks, no welfare payments,
No earned income credit, no unemployment benefits.
We have no government health services,
No medicare, no medicaid, no direct payments.
You get sick; that's your problem.
You either save your money or buy insurance,
The Republic always balances the budget.
In good times, a significant amount is reserved
For payment of essential services in bad times.
We don't spend the income of future generations.
We have no national debt.
There are no government subsidies for anything.
We are New England Yankees, our motto is
Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.
Defense Policy -- The Republic of New England
Live free or die, the motto of New Hampshire
Can be the motto of the Republic of New England.
But practical considerations limit our ability
To defend ourselves against any and all threats.
The republic cannot be armed with nuclear weapons
Nor would it be able to employ them in any fashion.
We cannot afford a tactical air force,
Nor see any utility in having one.
Our principal military service has to be a robust coast guard.
Hundreds of miles of shore line are our principal feature.
The sea is our avenue to the rest of the world.
We already have the Mass Maritime and Maine Maritime academies.
Perhaps we can negotiate the transfer of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.
A standing army would be impossible to maintain.
A small component of marines would suffice
To provide a land complement to the coast guard.
A small air arm would be primarily engaged in search and
rescue operations.
We might also consider emulating Switzerland and Israel
By requiring military training of all able young men and women;
Calling them to service when required
To repel invasion and conquest, if that is possible.
No doubt, the cost would be prohibitive.
We may have to believe, as Washington did,
In the protection of Divine Providence.
Immigration and Drug Policy -- The Republic of New England
The Republic of New England admits all immigrants freely;
Not as a matter of policy, but from practicality.
We have no means of policing our border, nor wish to do so.
Immigrants who commit crimes are deported.
Those who come here are strictly on their own,
To find work, to find shelter,
To pay for medical care, to pay for education.
There are no free schools in the republic.
New immigrants will most likely be assisted by their former countrymen,
And by private organizations, in getting started.
All who come here are entitled to vote, without conditions.
Local jurisdictions will determine how to control elections.
There are no proscribed substances in the Republic of New England.
Alcohol, tobacco, and drugs may be used freely.
No medical or therapeutic care exists for substance abusers.
Or for those who lead a patently unhealthy life.
The Republic of New England is a welcoming country,
Not a controlling country, not a welfare state.
We encourage immigrants to succeed and prosper.
We only require that they behave properly in doing so.
Governance -- The Republic of New England
The Republic of New England will borrow the best of the parliamentary system
From those countries who have enjoyed it the longest.
England, the mother of parliaments, is the foremost example to consider.
The majority party leader becomes the head of government.
The sovereign, the head of state, provides stability to the system
In the change of governments, calling upon the prime minister to form a cabinet.
In Canada and many other countries, provinces are largely self-sufficient,
Thus reducing the temptation for the central government to micromanage.
Israel is a victim of proportional representation
That gives splinter parties a disproportionate role.
A plus in Israel governance is the fluid movement
Of experienced politicians to cabinet posts, regardless of party.
Switzerland functions without a strong central executive.
In France and Russia, the president and the premier jockey for power.
The United States of America gives the president unlimited authority in war,
But keeps a tight grip on the purse strings in Congress.
Our republic shall have a citizen legislature like New Hampshire.
A figurehead president will be the ceremonial head of state,
Who, like England's sovereign, calls upon an elected leader
From the majority party to form a cabinet.
Trade and Foreign Relations -- The Republic of New England
The Republic of New England is too old for foreign affairs.
We only have foreign relations,
Which should be friendly, long-lasting, and free of confrontation.
We don't want any other nation to be mad at us.
We are not concerned about the possibility of invasion and conquest.
Our only natural resources are tall trees for ship masts,
And there isn't much demand for them anymore.
We do have a vast supply of brainpower, though.
Beginning with the colleges on the Charles River,
Our higher education spawns technological innovation
To rival Silicon Valley and Israel.
Manufacturing of anything but high tech gear left us a long time ago.
Tourism is good, from the mountains to the sea, although
New England does have some of the worst drivers
And the most dilapidated road systems you could imagine.
Plus road signs deliberately designed to confuse visitors.
Our only real worry is the infiltration of ideologies
Which demand control over our lives and persons.
The traditional New England character is flinty individualism.
Now somewhat attenuated by loopy New Age spiritualism.
But the weather does build character, particularly
If you never had any character and did not know you needed it.
We have a glorious spring; last year it was on a Tuesday.
Fall is our season; that's when we get things done. Come visit.
Education -- The Republic of New England
The Republic of New England shall have no public schools,
Supported by taxes and free to all.
Instead, religious and civic organizations may establish schools
To which parents pay tuition, perhaps on a sliding scale.
This system worked well for parochial schools,
And could be replicated on a larger scale.
Charter schools exemplify achievment at the elementary level.
Education is a privilege, not a right.
Advanced education will be apprentice programs for careers,
In institutions sponsored by the industries who need their graduates.
Literature and arts will depend upon the public and eleemosynary organizations
To support those who pursue aesthetic disciplines.
There is no place in the Republic of New England
For those who do not seek to better themselves
In the pursuit of knowledge and its application to the common good.
No occupation is less worthy than any other.
Canadian Reconnaissance
You may recall that the constitutional convention
For the Republic of New England in October, 2010
Was cancelled in light of the promises for
Restoration of fiscal sanity in the forthcoming U. S. election.
The election did indeed inspire some hope that
The ship of state might begin to steer a straight course.
Since then, the House of Representatives in Congress
Has committed to a goal of balancing the budget.
Still, the proponents of possible secession
Keep a wary eye on current developments in Washington.
We wish to remain ready to spring into action
Should newly inspired efforts at economizing fail.
Some time ago, we exchanged ideas with a
Separatist movement in the maritime provinces of Canada.
Without getting into details, we floated the notion
Of linking them with the nascent Republic of New England.
Earlier this year, we received an invitation to
Visit, meet, and discuss our mutual purposes.
We booked passage on a cruise to explore
Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Quebec.
We were interested in Quebec primarily to get some feel
For the state of the the long-standing separatist movement there.
Unfortunately, Hurricane Irene blew us out to sea
So we never did get to touch down in Nova Scotia.
Prince Edward Island is a gem, much similar to Cape Cod.
Its residents seem to be proud citizens of Canada,
Grateful for subsidies from the federal government
And proud to be the cradle of the Canadian Confederation.
An additional stop in Saguenay gave us the opportunity
To see Canadian industry at work, which illustrates
The relative prosperity of the country, in its unapologetic
Exploitation of vast natural resources.
Quebec City lives off its charms for the tourists.
We saw the field where France lost Canada to the British,
And the old town where Benedict Arnold almost claimed it
For the new country not yet named the United States.
Montreal is a thoroughly Americanized city
In all respects except the language and the cuisine.
We learned that the buoyant state of the Canadian economy
Has eradicated any thought of instituting Quebec Libre.
So the prospects for annexing the maritime provinces
Are not attactive at this point in our mutual history.
Well, maybe excepting New Brunswick, which
Would simply be a geographical extension of Maine.
Republic of New England report
The shadow cabinet of The Republic of New England
Met recently to discuss their current concerns,
Which I am obliged to report
As their faithful scribe.
The ascendancy of Parti Quebecois
In our neighbor to the north, raises once more
The spector of a referendum in the province
Leading to a vote for independence.
That would give separation anxiety
To Canada as a whole, some of whose citizens
Take the attitude, "Let the bastards go,"
Most deplore breakup of the confederation.
A further complication in Canada is envy of
The western provinces and their wealth of
Oil and gas resources, leading to a healthy
Economic outlook, as in the Dakotas.
Thus, the idea of inclusion in our nascent republic
Has again attracted the maritime provinces.
New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island are in.
Nova Scotia is conflicted; Newfoundland is out.
In Nova Scotia, some of the descendants of
The loyalists who fled New England
Favor rejoining the British Commonwealth,
Whereas Cape Breton looks to a free Scotland.
Needless to say, no one wants Newfoundland
Unless oil is found offshore or some other miracle.
P.E.I. wants to keep its monopoly on providing
All the frozen french fries to Canada.
We are more worried about the U.S. national debt
Than the outcome of the election in the excited states.
But we figure that if we secede and then become a
Conquered dependency, we will not be taxed by the U.S.A.
In response to questions, yes, the Republic of New England
is a spoof, but with serious overtones. Certainly, the fiscal
adventures in Washington are insane. We may be playing
with Monopoly money soon. In Italy, a gelato grande costs
three euros, which doesn't seem too bad until you convert it
to USD.
Where are we going in Afghanistan? I bow to the military
strategists for a proper estimate of the situation, but in
management speak (my academic field), it seems like a clear
case of: "Having lost sight of our objectives; we redoubled
our efforts!"
Did you know that the subprime mortgage crisis began with
Massachusetts' own representative, Barney Frank, who
insisted that Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae guarantee the home
mortgage of anyone who wanted one, regardless of ability to
pay. Beware, he's up to more mischief.
Or that the real reason for our involvement in the Middle East
is the refusal of East and West Coast congressmen and senators
to allow offshore drilling along their shores. We could be
nearly self-sufficient in oil from North America resources, if it
were permitted. Alaska is different. They want to drill more;
congress won't let them.
So there is merit in wistful thinking about a nice little country
like Slovenia, mostly unknown and under the radar. New
England almost seceded after suffering an economic collapse
from Jefferson's Embargo Act of 1807. Repeal in 1809 headed
off the movement.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Saved! At Last
The Wall Street Journal is far more even-handed than one might expect from a supposedly
right-wing rag. The editors are perfectly willing to print op-ed contributions in which the
authors are permitted to make definitive statements and recommendations.. Next to the
piece below was inserted a photo of apparent rubble from: "An American school adjacent
to the U.S.Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia, on Sept. 15. Protesters burned the school the day before."
The article is itself entitled, "A New Course for the Middle East." The (presumed) author
devoted 14 column inches to trashing the policies of the present administration. Fair
enough; that's a good lead-in. Then in 3 column inches the new course is delineated:
"In this period of uncertainty, we need to apply a coherent strategy of supporting our partners
in the Middle East—that is, both governments and individuals who share our values.
This means restoring our credibility with Iran. When we say an Iranian nuclear-weapons capability
—and the regional instability that comes with it—is unacceptable, the ayatollahs must be made
to believe us.
It means placing no daylight between the United States and Israel. And it means using the full
spectrum of our soft power to encourage liberty and opportunity for those who have for too long
known only corruption and oppression. The dignity of work and the ability to steer the course of
their lives are the best alternatives to extremism."
There you have it. We are saved! It seems to me, though, that previous presidents might have
been more explicit, e.g., Jackson, Lincoln, TR, FDR, Reagan, both Bushes, and even Bill Clinton
in approving the bombing of Serbia. There was only one Republican candidate willing to run who was
right-wing rag. The editors are perfectly willing to print op-ed contributions in which the
authors are permitted to make definitive statements and recommendations.. Next to the
piece below was inserted a photo of apparent rubble from: "An American school adjacent
to the U.S.Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia, on Sept. 15. Protesters burned the school the day before."
The article is itself entitled, "A New Course for the Middle East." The (presumed) author
devoted 14 column inches to trashing the policies of the present administration. Fair
enough; that's a good lead-in. Then in 3 column inches the new course is delineated:
"In this period of uncertainty, we need to apply a coherent strategy of supporting our partners
in the Middle East—that is, both governments and individuals who share our values.
This means restoring our credibility with Iran. When we say an Iranian nuclear-weapons capability
—and the regional instability that comes with it—is unacceptable, the ayatollahs must be made
to believe us.
It means placing no daylight between the United States and Israel. And it means using the full
spectrum of our soft power to encourage liberty and opportunity for those who have for too long
known only corruption and oppression. The dignity of work and the ability to steer the course of
their lives are the best alternatives to extremism."
There you have it. We are saved! It seems to me, though, that previous presidents might have
been more explicit, e.g., Jackson, Lincoln, TR, FDR, Reagan, both Bushes, and even Bill Clinton
in approving the bombing of Serbia. There was only one Republican candidate willing to run who was
certainly more definitive, and he got carpet-bombed out of the race. SB1000087239639044471290457802 4293333633994.html?mod=WSJ_ Opinion_LEADTop

Monday, September 10, 2012
Republic of New England report
The shadow cabinet of The Republic of New England
Met recently to discuss their current concerns,
Which I am obliged to report
As their faithful scribe.
The ascendancy of Parti Quebecois
In our neighbor to the north, raises once more
The spector of a referendum in the province
Leading to a vote for independence.
That would give separation anxiety
To Canada as a whole, some of whose citizens
Take the attitude, "Let the bastards go,"
Most deplore breakup of the confederation.
A further complication in Canada is envy of
The western provinces and their wealth of
Oil and gas resources, leading to a healthy
Economic outlook, as in the Dakotas.
Thus, the idea of inclusion in our nascent republic
Has again attracted the maritime provinces.
New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island are in.
Nova Scotia is conflicted; Newfoundland is out.
In Nova Scotia, some of the descendants of
The loyalists who fled New England
Favor rejoining the British Commonwealth,
Whereas Cape Breton looks to a free Scotland.
Needless to say, no one wants Newfoundland
Unless oil is found offshore or some other miracle.
P.E.I. wants to keep its monopoly on providing
All the frozen french fries to Canada.
We are more worried about the U.S. national debt
Than the outcome of the election in the excited states.
But we figure that if we secede and then become a
Conquered dependency, we will not be taxed by the U.S.A.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
The Man Who Would Be King
He is a prince who would be king,
Partly because Daddy could not,
But mainly because he is sure
That like David, God has anointed him to rule.
He looks in the mirror and sees
A perfect image of royal mien:
Tall, handsome, with a touch of gray
At the temples. (He dyes his hair.)
He really would rather be king of admiring subjects
Than a political leader of a fractious republic.
He tries not to make definitive statements
As to what he might do if he became president.
Announcing plans that might trouble anyone
Is a risk he is reluctant to take,
Not only to avoid criticism, but
To preserve the kingly image of himself.
He has read The Prince,
Following Machiavelli's advice
To crush his competitors
Until he is the only person standing.
But of course he did not do
The dirty deeds himself.
He relied on ruthless courtiers
To smear, attack, and destroy.
His handlers try to keep him scripted
Because he tends to insert foot in mouth.
In weak moments, he reveals how little
He understands the concerns of the people.
Perhaps it is too bad that
We do not have a parliamentary system
So that he could bring in a hired gun
To run the government and take the flak.
If he succeeds in his quest,
We will face the great unknown
Of what he might deign to accomplish,
Which may very well be nothing of substance.
Partly because Daddy could not,
But mainly because he is sure
That like David, God has anointed him to rule.
He looks in the mirror and sees
A perfect image of royal mien:
Tall, handsome, with a touch of gray
At the temples. (He dyes his hair.)
He really would rather be king of admiring subjects
Than a political leader of a fractious republic.
He tries not to make definitive statements
As to what he might do if he became president.
Announcing plans that might trouble anyone
Is a risk he is reluctant to take,
Not only to avoid criticism, but
To preserve the kingly image of himself.
He has read The Prince,
Following Machiavelli's advice
To crush his competitors
Until he is the only person standing.
But of course he did not do
The dirty deeds himself.
He relied on ruthless courtiers
To smear, attack, and destroy.
His handlers try to keep him scripted
Because he tends to insert foot in mouth.
In weak moments, he reveals how little
He understands the concerns of the people.
Perhaps it is too bad that
We do not have a parliamentary system
So that he could bring in a hired gun
To run the government and take the flak.
If he succeeds in his quest,
We will face the great unknown
Of what he might deign to accomplish,
Which may very well be nothing of substance.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Uncontrollable Systems
Any plan that requires the interaction of
Organizations with different interests
Cannot be controlled,
Therefore is bound to fail.
A case in point is the kerfuffle
About health care in the United States;
Whether the Affordable Care Act
Is the solution to all our health problems.
Its primary objective is to provide
Each citizen with health insurance;
As though possession of an insurance card
Automatically results in well-being.
As many have said and written:
"It won't work because it can't work,"
Because it is an interlocking system
With conflicting and uncontrollable variables.
Assuming it is allowed to continue,
Policitians will be tinkering with it for generations.
The game of "whack-a-mole" will be played
To cope with each nasty "unintended consequence."
The governor of our commonwealth announced
That 98 percent of its citizens are now insured.
He also said that a pressing need is to
Figure out how to reduce the rising costs.
On our island peninsula, primary care physicians
Decline to add new patients; surgical specialists
Are booked six months in advance,
Sending the overflow to big city hospitals.
Conversely, immediate health care is now available
At walk-in centers across Cape Cod.
Some are subsidized, some are hospital affiliates,
A few are private, all are supported by volunteers.
The lesson is that the improvement
Of our health care system
Started at the bottom, rather than being
Imposed from the top.
Organizations with different interests
Cannot be controlled,
Therefore is bound to fail.
A case in point is the kerfuffle
About health care in the United States;
Whether the Affordable Care Act
Is the solution to all our health problems.
Its primary objective is to provide
Each citizen with health insurance;
As though possession of an insurance card
Automatically results in well-being.
As many have said and written:
"It won't work because it can't work,"
Because it is an interlocking system
With conflicting and uncontrollable variables.
Assuming it is allowed to continue,
Policitians will be tinkering with it for generations.
The game of "whack-a-mole" will be played
To cope with each nasty "unintended consequence."
The governor of our commonwealth announced
That 98 percent of its citizens are now insured.
He also said that a pressing need is to
Figure out how to reduce the rising costs.
On our island peninsula, primary care physicians
Decline to add new patients; surgical specialists
Are booked six months in advance,
Sending the overflow to big city hospitals.
Conversely, immediate health care is now available
At walk-in centers across Cape Cod.
Some are subsidized, some are hospital affiliates,
A few are private, all are supported by volunteers.
The lesson is that the improvement
Of our health care system
Started at the bottom, rather than being
Imposed from the top.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
West Point Military Academy
There is no such institution.
There is a taxpayer-supported college
At West Point, NY, which is officially,
The United States Military Academy.
In recent years, the name and location
Has been conflated into the WPMA.
Old grads like me cringe at that reference
Whenever we see or hear it in the media.
But our Association of Graduates and the
Domain of the official website now use
West Point as their identification of
The organization that they serve.
None of the other service academies
Can do that, although sometimes
The Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD
Was informally referred to as "Annapolis."
That makes no sense literally, because
Annapolis is the state capital of Maryland
And a historic city in its own right,
That happens to have USNA next door.
West Point, NY, however, is the academy.
That is, it is a tract of land owned by
The U.S. Government, i.e., the taxpayers
For the sole purpose of housing the academy.
It was not always so, of course.
West Point was the point on the Hudson River
Across which was stretched the Great Chain
To prevent a British linkup in the Revolution.
After the war, it became a school for
Training cadets for the Corps of Engineers,
Then logically became the site for an academy
To educate officers of the Regular Army.
We have to recognize and perhaps rejoice
At the misnaming of our Alma Mater and that
It is "West Point" that is engraved on our rings,
And to whom we sing "Hail Alma Mater'
Marketers call name recognition a priceless asset.
Which can be exploited, to be sure, but is also
An intangible spirit that has to be lived up to
By those who benefit from its existence.
There is a taxpayer-supported college
At West Point, NY, which is officially,
The United States Military Academy.
In recent years, the name and location
Has been conflated into the WPMA.
Old grads like me cringe at that reference
Whenever we see or hear it in the media.
But our Association of Graduates and the
Domain of the official website now use
West Point as their identification of
The organization that they serve.
None of the other service academies
Can do that, although sometimes
The Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD
Was informally referred to as "Annapolis."
That makes no sense literally, because
Annapolis is the state capital of Maryland
And a historic city in its own right,
That happens to have USNA next door.
West Point, NY, however, is the academy.
That is, it is a tract of land owned by
The U.S. Government, i.e., the taxpayers
For the sole purpose of housing the academy.
It was not always so, of course.
West Point was the point on the Hudson River
Across which was stretched the Great Chain
To prevent a British linkup in the Revolution.
After the war, it became a school for
Training cadets for the Corps of Engineers,
Then logically became the site for an academy
To educate officers of the Regular Army.
We have to recognize and perhaps rejoice
At the misnaming of our Alma Mater and that
It is "West Point" that is engraved on our rings,
And to whom we sing "Hail Alma Mater'
Marketers call name recognition a priceless asset.
Which can be exploited, to be sure, but is also
An intangible spirit that has to be lived up to
By those who benefit from its existence.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
How to Lose
My friend at church asks me,
"Do you think Obama can win?"
"No, I don't think he can win,
But the Republicans can lose!"
Now the Republicans are well on their way,
On their way to losing, that is,
As one by one, candidates quit the race,
Leaving a strange mix of competitors.
Worse yet is the roster of bystanders,
Those who might have been effective
In leading the country's citizens to accept
Living in the real world as grownups.
Changes need to be made, must be made
If we are to survive as a republic.
The tax code is a disaster;
The national budget rises through the roof.
Difficult decisions are a statesman's job.
The politician leads people where they
Say they want to go, whereas the statesman
Leads them where they need to go.
Who can tell us to rid ourselves
Of dependence on the largesse of a few
To food, clothing, shelter for all,
And the cure for all ills that befall mankind?
Some call for the fabled "white knight"
To ride into town bearing a banner
That reads, "Follow me and all will be well;
Obey me and you will be forever provided for."
History is replete with such false prophets
Who enslave their own people.
Freedom depends upon rulers
Becoming servants rather than masters.
"Do you think Obama can win?"
"No, I don't think he can win,
But the Republicans can lose!"
Now the Republicans are well on their way,
On their way to losing, that is,
As one by one, candidates quit the race,
Leaving a strange mix of competitors.
Worse yet is the roster of bystanders,
Those who might have been effective
In leading the country's citizens to accept
Living in the real world as grownups.
Changes need to be made, must be made
If we are to survive as a republic.
The tax code is a disaster;
The national budget rises through the roof.
Difficult decisions are a statesman's job.
The politician leads people where they
Say they want to go, whereas the statesman
Leads them where they need to go.
Who can tell us to rid ourselves
Of dependence on the largesse of a few
To food, clothing, shelter for all,
And the cure for all ills that befall mankind?
Some call for the fabled "white knight"
To ride into town bearing a banner
That reads, "Follow me and all will be well;
Obey me and you will be forever provided for."
History is replete with such false prophets
Who enslave their own people.
Freedom depends upon rulers
Becoming servants rather than masters.
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