Sunday, December 16, 2012

New Political Party

We need a new political party
At the national level;
The Grand Old Party
Can't cut it anymore.

They sent me invoices
Twice a week before the election
Demanding money, forthwith.
I sent nothing back, postpaid.

You can't be a Republican
In Massachusetts unless you
Spend more than the Democrats.
That's how we got RomneyCare.

The Tea Party might be a good base
Except the name sounds like
Alice in Wonderland, and the
Group is excoriated by the media.

Their mission is simply to
Balance the budget and reduce the debt.
But they are called racist, homophobic,
And every other nasty label.

Those governors and state legislators
Who call themselves Republican
Are also stuck with those labels
When they just try to do their job.

Maybe they should be called Federalists
For standing firm on the tenth amendment,
Or perhaps, the States Rights Party,
But that smacks too much of the Old South.

The name, Libertarian Party, sounds good.
It conjures up images of selfishness,
Free love, and anarchy, but
Don't we have that already?

Personally, I like Conservative Party
As a name, but I'm not really sure
What should be conserved
That the electorate would agree with.

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